This weekend we've launched the Arranmore Ferry self service kiosk, the latest in the Arranmore Ferries' innovations and evolving platform.
After a couple of teases, we're incredibly excited to share our latest project, the Arranmore Ferry self service kiosk. This project is a culmination of months of work (and years or dreaming from Seamus, Louise and myself).
A little over a year ago I was calling companies asking whether they were able to help me in realising this project. I'm not exaggerating when I say that they laughed down the phone to me, saying that it was not worth their time to work with Hexa, since we're such a small company... So we built it ourselves. We reached out to the fantastic team at AllSee Technologies - who specialise in interactive displays and started creating inventive code to use Stripe's, the secure digital payment solutions, terminals to faciliate payments.
We then created an application for the kiosk that integrates with the Arranmore Ferry system, ensuring we deliver the latest times, with the latest availability (no double bookings) and collect all your details before printing your ticket.
When you see the kiosk for the first time, you'll be greeted with a list of the ferry times, showing you the latest time from the pier and the next ferry.
Clicking any one of these times will select that time and allow you to choose either a return time or book a one way.
After that we need you to select the number of people who are travelling.
Once we have your journey, we may need to collect some details, for example it's useful for the team to know which type of car (and colour) that you'll be driving on board, the boat. If you want to go green, you can add your email and we'll issue an e-ticket instead!
Once you're ready to pay, hit the big button and you'll have to use our payment device, just underneath the screen. Tap with your card, phone, watch, Google Pay or Apple Pay or insert your card into the reader at the bottom of the device. Once your payment is accepted, you'll see your full ticket with QR code on the screen and a ticket will be instantly be printed.
If you've opted to go green, you'll have received an email instead!
We've counted, you can have a ticket with 5 clicks of the kiosk and be ready to board the blue ferry.
We also added the option for people to view timetables, just click the button and select the date you wish to view.
Our first kiosk location, is on the pier in Burtonport, head into our Self Service booth and start using the kiosk when you land into Burtonport.
Of course, if you're running late - or not on the ferry pier - you can download our mobile app at any time and book tickets from your phone or tablet. The app has all the latest times and all the latest info on what's available in just a few taps. You can even receive notification from the team when there's changes to ferries or extras running.
Thank you to everyone who made this project possible with their suggestions, ideas, advice and support. In particular I wanted to thank all the Arranmore Ferry team, especially Louise and Seamus for their patience in getting these ideas of the ground and their willingness to innovate.
With this project, I believe The Arranmore Ferry must be one of, if not leading, the charge with digital innovation in Irish ferries.
We have a website that accepts all the latest forms of payment, a fully fledged mobile application with notification, ticketing and stock control. Payment devices on board that link to an admin panel where the team can see tickets in real time and now, a state of the self service kiosk.
I cannot wait to see what's next.
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