We're excited to announce the launch of the beta version of gúrú, a remote mentoring web platform.
We're excited to share the launch of the beta version of gúrú, a remote mentoring web platform.
Just over a year ago we met with Seamus Bonner and Laura Early outside MODAM for a chat on how we could grow a network of remote workers to support and mentor each other.
The result is gúrú.work
gúrú is a web platform where users can create accounts, specify their skills and connect with mentors or mentees to develop their network. At gúrú we are here to help; by matching expert volunteer mentors with community members looking for their next remote employment opportunity, we help break down the barriers to finding your perfect job.
Remote working, whether from your home a shared workspace or an office far removed from your company's office can be a game changer for individuals and communities. Help us bring the change to YOUR community!
We've set up social accounts for gúrú so please give us a follow and stay up to date with the latest news:
We have received support from Grow Remote HQ to develop gúrú as a prototype to assist our community members access remote employment via a one-to-one buddy mentoring platform. Once logged in users, can access the Grow Remote jobs board which features hundreds of job listings ranging from part time or full time to entry level and senior.
We've built the web app using open source technologies, the web app is built using the NextJS react framework and utilises a supabase backend to securely store all data.
Thanks to Grow Remote for all their help and support in developing this project, in particular the Donegal chapter
gúrú is an initiative of Arranmore Island Community Council and the Arranmore Island community.
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