Seo Árainn Mhór
Seo Árainn Mhór
Seo Árainn Mhór
Is aip do Android agus iOS é Seo Árainn Mhór atá deartha agus forbartha ar oileán Árainn Mhór le cuspóir amháin: Caidé an bealach is fearr atá ann do dhaoine idir oileánaigh agus cuairteoirí, eolas a fháil faoi Árainn Mhór?
So, here it is, a mobile app chock-filled with pages from your favourite Co. Donegal island.
Mar sin, seo é, aip shoghluaiste atá líonta le leathanaigh ón oileán is fearr i gCo. Dhún na nGall. Tá leathanaigh againn do ghnóthaí uile an oileáin, uaireanta oscailte, grianghraif agus imeachtaí is déanaí. Idir cadhcáil agus rothaíocht go turais threoraithe agus ceol traidisiúnta. Déan cuardach ar a bhfuil uait ar léarscáil an oileáin, ag baint úsáide as cóid QR nó seiceáil féilire an oileáin.
Íoslódáil an aip inniu, má tá tú ar an oileán nó i gcéin ag smaointiú fuithí, is féidir taitneamh a bhaint as scéalta an oileáin nó do chuid féin a roinnt!
Tá súil againn go bhfreagraíonn aip Seo Árainn Mhór na ceisteanna faoi:
- Rudaí le déanamh in Árainn Mhór?
- Cá bhfanfaidh tú in Árainn Mhor?
- Áiteanna le feiceáil ar Oileán Árainn Mhór?
Cé muid?
TIs comh-thionscnamh é an aip seo idir grúpaí pobail Oileán Árainn Mhóir:
- Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhór
- Pleanáil Teanga Árainn Mhór
- CFFAM Árainn Mhór
Chun níos mó a fhoghlaim, tabhair cuairt ar ár leathanach "Cé muid?" áit a bhfaighidh tú ár láithreáin ghréasáin agus sonraí teagmhála freisin.
Seo Árainn Mhór
The Seo Árainn Mhór mobile application is an Android and iOS app designed and developed on the island of Arranmore with one purpose: How do we make it simple for people, islanders and visitors alike, to discover Arranmore?
So, here it is, a mobile app chock-filled with pages from your favourite Co. Donegal island.
We've got pages for all the island's businesses, their times, photos and latest events. From kayaking and cycling to guided tours and traditional music. Search for what you want on the island map, using QR codes or just check the island calendar.
Download the app today whether you're on the island or admiring from afar, you can enjoy the untold stories of the island or share your own!
We hope the Seo Árainn Mhór app answers the questions:
- Things to do in Arranmore?
- Where to stay in Arainn Mhor?
- Places to see on Arranmore Island?
Who We Are?
This app is a result of a joint effort between Arranmore Island's community groups:
- Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhór
- Pleanáil Teanga Árainn Mhór
- CFFAM Árainn Mhór
To learn more, visit our "Who We Are" page where you'll find our websites and contact details too.
Other Links
The colours used in the website and branding materials will be listed here with any other definitions.
Swatch | Hex | Color | Use Case |
#1D897B | Teal | Main Teal Colour (Web) | |
#39A9F4 | Blue | Blue Colour | |
#F9A001 | Amber | Amber Colour |
The font is Stonecross - it doesn't include Á, ó so the logo is custom. The Sora font is used throughout the app.
All images and designs are subject to change.
Main logo
This is the main logo, it's available in high resolution PNG and PDF formats.

App Icon

Design Slide
Background images for use for promo.


Promotional Solos [Gaeilge]

App Store Images

App Store Images [Gaeilge]

QR Code Images [Gaeilge]

The Heritage Council funded this project and as such - their logo should always be featured on materials created.
Web App
App Stores