Yoga With Maura


Yoga With Maura was previously developed by another company. If you intend to use these images, please reach out to Maura directly for permission.

Contact Maura

This is the main logo and should be used for most use cases.

Image Yoga With Maura Logo

Please note that this logo is white and transparent, black box has been added so it shows in the documentation.

Alt Logos

Flower Icon

Image Yoga With Maura Logo


The colours used on the logos and social media images below. Please note that black and white logos are #FFF and #000. You can click the swatch to copy the colour to the clipboard.

Brand Colours
SwatchColorUse Case
Black #000Background Color
White #fffMain Neutral Color
Dark Neutral #595959Darker Neutral Color, some text
Ivory Neutral #fcf7f6Ivory Color, used in flower logo and backgrounds
Peach Neutral #fff5f0Used for tones in backgrounds
Peach Vibrant #ffb7a2Used for borders, very sparingly
Secondary Neutral #DDE8EBSecondary Color, Used for background


The Logo Font is Linux Libertine Font, available here:

Linux Libertine Font

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