Change Log


This documents aims to detail all the login details for the Inis Oírr Beo platform.


App | 2024-07-10

App v1.0.11
  • Updated to target Android API v34

App & API | 2024-06-22

App v1.0.10

The mobile app required a small patch update to ensure that large iOS images were compressed correctly.

  • Image Compression Updated
  • Image delete API function was updated and corrected

App & API | 2024-06-05

App v1.0.6

Mobile App

The mobile app got some minor updates as requested by the committee.

  • The app calendar and notice board now have the same format tile.
  • Corrected the post editor for Gaeilge content

Emergency Shell | 2024-05-16

Emergency Shell

Emergency Shell added to the server. In the event that the platform isn't available, and is not available. This web platform allows the committee to restart the processes which should fix most problems. Log in details can be found on the Inis Oírr Beo documentation page.

Full Platform Launch | 2024-04-18

App v1.0.3

The full platform was deployed and monitoring began fully from this date. Full feature list can be found here

Link to Web App

Link to Web Site

Status Page

Admin and general users can view the status of the platform using the following link. Link to Status Web App